Monazite (mineralogy) Monazite [ (Ce, La, Th)PO4, complex
phosphate of cerium, lanthanum, and thorium, radioactive mineral ore of thorium,
Crystalline System : Monoclinic ]
Pyrochlore (mineralogy) Pyrochlore (niobate of sodium and calcium
with thorium, uranium, zirconium and the elements of rare earths group, Crystalline
System : Cubic)
Thoria Thorine [ ThO2, dioxide of thorium ]
Thoriated Thorié(e)
Thorin Thorine
Thorite (mineralogy) Thorite (natural thorium silicate)
Thorium (Th) Thorium, Atomic Number : 090, (Actinide), discovered
by Berzélius, 1828)
Thorium carbonate Carbonate de thorium [ (CO3)2Th
Thorium chloride Chlorure de thorium [ ThCl4 ]
Thorium fluoride Fluorure de thorium [ ThFl4 ]
Thorium hydroxide Hydroxyde de thorium [ ThO4H4
Thorium nitrate Nitrate de thorium [ (NO3)4Th
Thorium oxide Oxyde de thorium [ ThO2 ]