ACC Anti Coagulant Circulant ACT Activated Clotting Time ACT AntiCoagulant Therapy AT AntiThrombin ATIII AntiThrombin III AVK Anti Vitamine K Blood proteins Protéines sanguines BT Bleeding Time Coagulation Tests de la coagulation : Temps de Howell / TCA - Temps de céphaline activée sur plasma citraté Clotting factors Facteurs de coagulation - See PubMed Factor I (Fibrinogen), Factor II (Prothrombin), Factor III (Tissue Thromboplastin), Factor IV (Calcium Ions), Factor V (Labile Factor, accelerin), Factor VII (Stable Factor), Factor VIII (Antihemophilic Factor), Factor IX(Christmas Factor or Plasma Thromboplastin Component), Factor X (Stuart-Prower Factor), Factor XI (Plasma Thromboplastin Antecedent), Factor XII (Hageman Factor), Factor XIII (Fibrin Stabilizing Factor) CT Clotting Time (same as TC) ECT Ecarin Clotting Time (Ecarin : a metallo-proteinase, from the snake venom Echis Carinatus, that activates prothrombin to meizothrombin) FII, FV, FVII, FX Factor II, V, VII, X / Facteurs II, V, VII, X (coagulation) - See Clotting factors HBPM Héparine de Bas Poids Moléculaire (Idem LMWH) HCII Heparin Cofactor II HIT Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia HI-test Hæmagglutination Inhibition Test HITT Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia with Thrombosis HNF Héparine Non Fractionnée IHA Inhibition de l'HémAgglutination (Diagnostic sérologique par épreuve d'inhibition de l'hémagglutination) INR International Normalized Ratio (coagulatory response time, same as TNI) - details - INR = [ TQ du patient / TQ témoin ] * [ Puissance ISI ] ISI Indice de Sensibilité International K Potassium K+ Ion Potassium LHMT Low-range Heparin Management Test LMWH Low Molecular Weight Heparin (same as HBPM) MKs MegaKaryocytes (platelet-forming cells) PAF Platelet-Activating Factor PAPG Pourcentage d'Activité Prothrombinique Globale PFA Platelet-Function Analyzer Pl Plaquettes (- Idem PLTs) PLTs Platelets (same as Pl) PT Prothrombin Time PTA Plasma Thromboplastin Antecedent PTC Plasma Thromboplastin Component PTT Partial Thromboplastin Time QT Quick's Test (same as TQ) RAI Recherche d'Agglutinines Irrégulières rhATIII recombinant human Antithrombin III rhIL-11 recombinant human Interleukin-11 (platelet growth factor) TC Temps de Coagulation (Idem CT) TCA Temps de Céphaline Activée - V. TCK, TQ TCK Temps de Céphaline Kaolin Thrombopenia Thrombopénie,aplaquettose, athrombie, plaquettopénie (chute des plaquettes) TIPR Thrombin-Induced Platelet Releasate TNI Taux Normalisé International (- Idem INR) TP Taux de Prothrombine ( Valeurs usuelles 70 > 120) TPA Tissue Plasminogen Activator (a thrombolytic) TPO ThromboPoietin TPP Thrombus Precursor Protein TQ Temps de Quick (Idem QT TT Thrombin Time TTPA Temps de Thromboplastine Partielle Activée - V. TCA TXB Thromboxane UAH Unité Anti Héparine UAT Unité Anti Thrombine |
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