Courtesy CDC (1975)
This patient with pityriasis rosea presented with an oval herald patch
on the abdomen, as well as a more generalized rash.

Courtesy CDC/Dr. Sellars (1963)
This photograph is a close-up of an oval “herald patch” on the skin
of a patient with disease “pityriasis rosea”.

Courtesy CDC/M. Rein (1978)
This patient presented with a generalized rash in his groin region diagnosed
as pityriasis rosea.
.en. Pityriasis rosea is a harmless, yet itchy, scaly skin
disease often found in people 10–35yrs of age.
Initially, most people develop one large scaly patch, i.e., “ herald patch
”, and within 1-2wks, smaller pink patches can occur on the trunk, arms and
.fr. Le Pityriasis rosé de Gibert (PRG) est une dermatose
bénigne, néanmoins pruritique, se caractérisant par une peau
squameuse affectant souvent les personnes dans les 10-35 ans.
Initialement, la plupart des gens développent une grande plaque squameuse,
le médaillon initial, puis, dans les 1-2 semaines, des petites taches
roses peuvent se produire sur le tronc, les bras et les jambes.