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Lichen planus
Courtesy CDC/ Susan Lindsley; Donated by Brian Hill, New Zealand (1976)

This patient presented with what was determine to be a case of lichen planus of the glans penis.

Lichen planus
Courtesy CDC/ Susan Lindsley; Donated by Brian Hill, New Zealand (1976)

This patient presented with what was determine to be a case of lichen planus of the penile prepuce.


Lichen planus
Courtesy CDC/ Susan Lindsley; Donated by Brian Hill, New Zealand

This patient presented with a case of lichen planus disseminated over his entire body, but primarily about his torso.

Lichen planus
Courtesy CDC/ Susan Linsley (1977)

This patient presented with a bilateral dermatitis affecting both wrists that was diagnosed as lichen planus.



.en. As a skin disease or dermatitis, lichen planus is characterized by scaly flattened and inflamed bumps. The erythematous and itchy lesions are raised, but flattened, reddish purple in color, and scaly.

Though lichen planus is usually found on the flexor surfaces of the wrists and on the ankles, it may manifest anywhere on the body or on other sites such as the lips, tongue, and buccal mucous membranes, i.e., inner cheeks, and the penis.

The cause of Lichen planus remains unknown, but stress-related factors, autoimmune origins, or possible viral pathogenic influences such as hepatitis C, are all etiologic suspects.


.fr. Maladie de la peau ou dermatite, le lichen plan se caractérise par des protubérances écailleuses aplaties et inflammées. Les lésions érythémateuses et pruritiques sont squameuses et possèdent un relief aplati, de couleur rouge pourpre.

Bien que le lichen plan se trouve généralement sur les surfaces de flexion des poignets et sur les chevilles, il peut se manifester n'importe où sur le corps ou sur d'autres sites tels que les lèvres, la langue et les muqueuses buccales, c'est-à-dire, l'intérieur des joues, et le pénis.

Les causes du Lichen planus restent inconnues, mais les facteurs liés au stress, des origines auto-immunes, ou d'éventuelles influences pathogènes virales, comme l'hépatite C, sont étiologiquement suspects.


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