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Flag Name Phonetic Pronunciation U.S. Navy Meaning International Meaning
Alfa AL-fah I have a diver down ; keep well clear at slow speed. / J'ai un scaphandrier en plongée, tenez vous à distance et avancez lentement.
Bravo BRAH-voh I am taking in, discharging, or carrying dangerous cargo. / Je charge ou décharge ou transporte des marchandises dangereuses.
Charlie CHAR-lee "Yes" or "affirmative". "Oui" ou "affirmative".
Delta DELL-tah I am maneuvering with difficulty; keep clear. / Je manoeuvre avec difficulté ; tenez-vous à l'écart.
Echo ECK-oh I am directing my course to starboard. / Je me dirige sur tribord.
Foxtrot FOKS-trot I am disabled; communicate with me. / Je suis désemparé, communiquez avec moi.
On aircraft carriers: Flight Operations underway
Golf GOLF I require a pilot. / J'ai besoin d'un pilote.
Hotel hoh-TELL I have a pilot on board. / J'ai un pilote à bord.
India IN-dee-ah Coming alongside. / Je viens sur babord I am directing my course to port. / Je me dirige vers le port.
Juliet JEW-lee-ett I am on fire and have dangerous cargo ; keep clear. / J'ai un incendie à bord et je transporte des marchandises dangereuses ; tenez vous à distance.
Kilo KEY-loh I wish to communicate with you. / Je désire communiquer avec vous.
Lima LEE-mah You should stop your vessel immediately. / Stoppez votre navire immédiatement.
Mike MIKE My vessel is stopped ; making no way. / Mon navire est stoppé et n'a plus d'erre.
November no-VEM-bur No or negative. / Non ou négative.
Oscar OSS-kur Man overboard. / Un homme à la mer.
Papa pah-PAH All personnel return to ship ; proceeding to sea (Inport). / Toutes les personnes doivent se présenter à bord, le navire doit prendre la mer (Au port).
Quebec kay-BECK Boat recall ; all boats return to ship. / Rappel ; toutes les embarcations retournent au navire. Ship meets health regs ; request clearance into port. / Mon navire satisfait aux réglements sanitaires ; je demande la libre pratique portuaire.
Romeo ROH-me-oh Preparing to replenish (At sea). Ready duty ship (Inport). None. / Néant.
Sierra see-AIR-ah Conducting flag hoist drill. Moving astern. / Mes machines sont en arrière.
Tango TANG-go Do not pass ahead of me. / Ne passez pas devant moi. Keep clear ; engaged in trawling. / Restz à l'écart ; pêche au chalut.
Uniform YOU-nee-form You are running into danger. / Vous courez au danger.
Victor VIK-tah I require assistance. / Je demande assistance.
Whiskey WISS-kee I require medical assistance. / Je demande une assistance médicale.
Xray ECKS-ray Stop carrying out your intentions and watch for my signals. / Arrêtez vos manoeuvres et veillez mes signaux.
Yankee YANG-kee Ship has visual communications duty. I am dragging anchor. / Mon ancre chasse
Zulu ZOO-loo I require a tug. / Je demande un remorqueur.
Code/Answer Code or Answer Flag that follows is from the International Code of Signals. Message is understood. Also, numeric decimal point.
First substitute First sub Absence of flag officer or unit commander (Inport). Substitute for the first flag in this hoist.
Second substitute Second sub Absence of chief of staff (Inport). Substitute for the second flag in this hoist.
Third substitute Third sub Absence of commanding officer (Inport). Substitute for the third flag in this hoist.
Fourth substitute Fourth sub Absence of civil or military official whose flag is flying on this ship. Substitute for the fourth flag in this hoist.
One WUN Numeral one. None. / Néant.
Two TOO Numeral two. None. / Néant.
Three TREE Numeral three. None. / Néant.
Four FOW-er Numeral four. None. / Néant.
Five FIFE Numeral five. None. / Néant.
Six SICKS Numeral six. None. / Néant.
Seven SEV-en Numeral seven. None. / Néant.
Eight AIT Numeral eight. None. / Néant.
Nine NIN-er Numeral nine. None. / Néant.
Zero ZEE-roh Numeral zero. / Chiffre zéro. None. / Néant.
Pennant one PEN-ant WUN Pennant one. / Fanion un. Numeral one. / Chiffre un.
Pennant two PEN-ant TOO Pennant two. / Fanion deux. Numeral two. / Chiffre deux.
Pennant three PEN-ant TREE Pennant three. / Fanion trois. Numeral three. / Chiffre trois.
Pennant four PEN-ant FOW-er Pennant four. / Fanion quatre. Numeral four. / Chiffre quatre.
Pennant five PEN-ant FIFE Pennant five. / Fanion cinq. Numeral five. / Chiffre cinq.
Pennant six PEN-ant SICKS Pennant six. / Fanion six. Numeral six. / Chiffre six.
Pennant seven PEN-ant SEV-en Pennant seven. / Fanion sept. Numeral seven. / Chiffre sept.
Pennant eight PEN-ant AIT Pennant eight. / Fanion huit. Numeral eight / Chiffre huit.
Pennant Nine PEN-ant NIN-er Pennant nine. / Fanion neuf. Numeral nine / Chiffre neuf.
Pennant zero PEN-ant ZEE-roh Pennant zero. / Fanion zéro. Numeral zero / Chiffre zéro.


Courtesy US Navy. The images of this page are copyright free. / Les images de cette page sont libres de droit.

UNITED STATES EDITION 1969, Edition (Revised 2003), PUB 102, PDF, 2735 ko,
Courtesy National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)


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