A - Z
2-EHN 2-EthylHexyl Nitrate (a cetane enhancer) AFR Air Fuel Ratio AGO Atmospheric Gas Oil (feedstock for diesel production) AGO Automotive Gas Oil AKI Anti-Knock Index Aniline point Point d'aniline (reports the aromatics content of a fuel) API American Petroleum Institute Avgas Aviation gasoline Benzene Benzène (Compound from aromatic group, used as octane additive for gasoline) CCD Combustion Chamber Deposits Cetane Cétane A paraffinic hydrocarbon used as an additive in diesel fuel CFPP Cold Filler Plugging Point (A test for measuring diesel fuels operability) CN Cetane Number / Indice de cétane (Number equal to the percentage by volume of cetane added to diesel fuel. The cetane number makes it possible to measure the detonation quality of a gas oil. The number refers to the time of ignition. The higher the cetane number is, the shorter the time of ignition is and better is the quality of combustion) CNG Compressed Natural Gas (Same as GNC) CPDC Comité Professionnel de la Distribution des Carburants (FR) CR Compression Ratio DFRV Diesel Fuel for Road Vehicles DFTK Dieso-Filtration Test Kit ETBE Éthanol Betterave ETBE Ethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether EtOH Ethanol (An oxygenate) Feedstock Charge GCV Gross Calorific Value (same as PCS) GNC Gaz Naturel Compressé (Idem CNG) GNV Gaz Naturel Véhicule GNV Gaz Naturel de Ville GPL Gaz de Pétrole Liquéfié GO Gas Oil HC Hydrocarbons / Hydrocarbures HDS HydroDeSulphurisation HFO Hot Fry Oil HUCR Highest Useable Compression Ratio HVFL HeaVy Fuel IFO Intermediate Fuel Oil LAC Lowest Additive Concentration LCO Light Cycle Oil (feedstock for diesel production) Lead tetraethyl Plomb tétraéthyle ( Pb (C2H5)4, petrol anti-knock agent ) LNG Liquefied Natural Gas LPG Liquid Petrol Gas LS Low Sulfur LSFO Low Sulfur Gas Oil LTFT Low Temperature Flow Test (A test for measuring diesel fuels operability) MGO Marine Gas-Oil MMT Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl (An octane enhancer) / Manganèse Méthylcyclopentadiényl Tricarbonyle (Un additif qui augmente l'indice d'octane) MOGAS Motor Gasoline MON Motor Octane Number MTBE Méthanol Betterave MTBE Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (An oxygenate used as octane enhancer - anti-knock agent - obtained from the reaction of methanol and isobutylene) NCV Net Calorific Value (same as PCI) NG Natural Gas Octane number Indice d'octane (Reports the capacity of the gasoline to resist to it's auto-ignition by compression. The less the octane number is, the more the gasoline ignites easily. The higher the octane number is, the higher the AKI) ONR Octane Number Rating ONR Octane Number Requirement ORI Octane Requirement Increase Oxygenate Oxygéné (Oxygen containing compounds favored for their octane content and their clean burning quality) PAH Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon PCI Pouvoir Calorifique Inférieur (Idem NCV) PCM Pouvoir Calorifique des Mélanges PCS Pouvoir Calorifique Supérieur (Idem GCV) Pensky-Martens closed tester Appareil de Pensky-Martens (closed cup to determine the flash point of fuel oils / Vase clos utilisé pour la détermination du point éclair d'un combustible) PM Particulate Matter / Particules solides Polyalkyl amino phenol (A nitrogen containing fuel additive used to control and prevent engine deposits) PON Pump Octane Number Premium grade, premium Supercarburant,
n.m. RdON Road Octane Number Reformate Reformat (Octane containing aromatic compound used to blend gasoline) Reformed gasoline Essence de reformage Reformer Reformeur, unité
de reformage
Reforming Reformage, n.m.
RegUnl Regular Unleaded Gasoline RFG Reformulated Gasoline (to reduce vehicle toxic emissions) RON Research Octane Number / Indice d'octane désiré RSFO Regular Sulfur Fuel Oil RVP Reid Vapor Pressure (A method to measure gasoline volatility, same TVR) SNDC Syndicat National des Détaillants en Carburants Superethanol Superéthanol,
TBP True Boiling Point TLF Température Limite de Filtrabilité Toluene Toluène (Compound from aromatic group, used as octane additive for gasoline) Turbine fuel Turbocombustible,
n.m. TVR Tension de Vapeur Reid (Idem RVP) ULP UnLeaded Petrol UNL Unleaded Xylene Xylène (Compound from aromatic group, used as octane additive for gasoline)
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